@DATABASE "Wormy" @WIDTH 77 @NODE "MAIN" "The contents page.." @NEXT "WWH" @PREV "MAIN" @TOC "MAIN" @{b}@{u}Custom Worms Levels@{ub}@{uu} Version 1.0 @{"What? Why? How?" LINK "WWH"} @{"Installation..." LINK "Install"} @{"Level tips....." LINK "Tips"} @{"The levels!" LINK "Levels!"} @{"The Authors...." LINK "Us"} @{"Stuff ;)" LINK "Greets"} @{"Make your own!" LINK "Make"} @{"End part" LINK "End"} @ENDNODE @NODE "WWH" "What? Why? How?" @NEXT "Install" @PREV "MAIN" @TOC "MAIN" @{b}@{u}What? Why? How?@{ub}@{uu} I started making Worms levels because I thought that the levels randomly generated were not suitable for "dark side" players, like @{"me" LINK "Us"} ;) The first levels I saw, apart from those you get with Worms were from a bulletin board, some even came off the aminet. These levels were poorly designed, and looked shabby. Some were just pics stretched & put into 4 colours. My first creation was "Construction" It wasn't that good, and had a distinct "Deluxe Paint" look. It didn't use textures, it used "bricks" instead. You might have seen it, as I uploaded it to a few of my local bulletin boards for a reaction, which was favourable, that that I got. The Construction level was posted with 2 other levels, "Mines" and "Horror" which were better. These were released before I saw any further documentation on the subject apart from the manual. All these levels were created in Deluxe Paint 4 AGA. It's not brilliant (or brilliance for that matter ;) but it's all I have :( Image FX was also used (CU Amiga coverdisk ;). @ENDNODE @NODE "Install" "How to install stuff..." @NEXT "MAIN" @PREV "MAIN" @TOC "MAIN" @{b}@{u}Installation@{ub}@{uu} @{"Well 'ard drive.." LINK "Hard"} @{"Floppy disk..." LINK "Soft"} @ENDNODE @NODE "Hard" "Install to HD..." @NEXT "MAIN" @PREV "MAIN" @TOC "MAIN" @{b}@{u}Hard Drive Installation@{ub}@{uu} Try clicking on the "@{"Install" LINK "Runinstaller"}" icon... needs C= Installer present in the system search path, but you should have that. The installer will ask to be pointed at your "Worms" directory, and then it'll do the work. It'll put this rather fine literature in your Worms drawer. Once that's done load up worms, and check the custom levels list. If your memory is poor, write it down. Then start your game, press RMB when it's generating the level and type the filename. Easy. ;) @ENDNODE @NODE "Soft" "Install to floppy..." @NEXT "MAIN" @PREV "MAIN" @TOC "MAIN" @{b}@{u}Floppy Drive Installation@{ub}@{uu} What??? No hard drive? Shame on you! Get one! Now! It will drastically improve your Amiga! Even a tiny 100Mb drive would rule..... Bit easy, this. Jam this disk in your drive after you load Workbench. Then operate the Installer, by clicking @{"here" LINK "Runinstaller"}. Make sure you have a blank, formatted disk, that you didn't buy from Escom for 1.89, at the ready. Install it straight onto the root directory of the disk, NOT in a drawer. DO NOT rename the levels in any way. Once that's done load up Worms, put the disk in once it has finished loading, go to "Records" and "Change Level Disk!", the disk will load for a bit, then "List Custom Levels". There should be new ones there. If your memory is poor, write it down. Then start your game, press RMB when it's generating the level and type the filename. Easy. ;) You should really know this if you have bought the original. Please if you like the game, buy the original. @ENDNODE @NODE "Tips" "Level playing tricks..." @NEXT "MAIN" @PREV "MAIN" @TOC "MAIN" @{b}@{u}Level Tips@{ub}@{uu} # Use your ninja rope, the computer players never do. # Keep to the middle ground; not too high or low. # Stay away from screen edges, airstrkes hurt! # Don't dwell on thin ground. # Try to keep from teleporting too much. # If you @{i}must@{ui} teleport, teleport onto a crate. # Use mines to your advantage (shoot them). # If a member of "Oh No" is near a ledge, leave him. # Type "Total Wormage" on the main screen. @ENDNODE @NODE "Us" "Me an' me bro....." @NEXT "MAIN" @PREV "MAIN" @TOC "MAIN" @{b}@{u}The Authors@{ub}@{uu} Yes! Theres 2 of us! I started making levels, and then my brother got interested (I needed some quality help ;). My name is Tom Newton and I am a regular on Frost Free BBs, near Huddersfield. If you should want (why??) to contact me try Emailing Tom@Frost3.demon.co.uk, if you don't have E-mail, get a modem ;) My brother Will, is a bit younger than me, and doesn't like writing Amigaguides. He is at Will@frost3.demon.co.uk @ENDNODE @NODE "Greets" "Hey you guys!!!!!!" @NEXT "End" @PREV "MAIN" @TOC "MAIN" @{b}@{u}Greetings, Thanks etc....@{ub}@{uu} Just put this here to say hello to all the points off @{b}FrostFree@{ub} and of course, Dave, sysop of the world's finest BBS. More greetings to: Kev, Dav (no phone ;), Chris, Fat Rob and a big steaming pile of shite to Andrew Calvert..... "Scot" level dedicated to Lee Kindness, "Och aye the B&Q!!!!" If you love your Amiga you should; Upgrade your Amiga, help the best home computer to get back on it's feet...... If you have a harddrive try a program called "WangiPad" from Aminet (cds too) PD libraries or BBSes. Diss the next PC owner you see. Tell them that they're doomed! Join Team AMIGA! You can find information about it on any BBS, magazine, Amiga echo or IRC channel. @ENDNODE @NODE "Make" "Your very own levels....." @NEXT "MAIN" @PREV "MAIN" @TOC "MAIN" @{b}@{u}Make Your Own@{ub}@{uu} First, get a paint package. Done that? Load.... Lo-res, 8 Colours, page 960x350, screen standard. Right.... colours: 0 = Black, transparent, background colour, air. 1 = White-ish, text, graves etc.. 2 = Pink, worm bodies, text. 3 = Anything, mines, crates etc. 4 = Colour 3, only lighter, for shading on mines etc. 5, 6, 7, = Anything at all. Level design colours. NAMES! Use the format: MYNAME.1234.WRM MYNAME = What you type to access that level. 1234 = Level variants, each number alters something on the level. There are four numbers, one & two from 1-5, three & four from 1-9. First no. = Gravity 1=bouncy & light 3=Normal 5=Heavy, jumping is hard. Second no. = Friction 1=slippy 3=Normal 5=Sticky Third no. Sky copperlist colour. Fourth no. Sea colour. Colours are 1=purple 2=blue 3=mauve 4=red 5=orange 6=red/brown 7=brown 8=vomit colour 9=green. The .WRM is the standard suffix to alert the levellist to the presence of a custom level. Example: MOON.1515.WRM Type "MOON" to access. Gravity is low, you jump miles. Friction is high, you don't slip much when shot. The sky is purple, and the sea is orange. Have fun!!!!! @ENDNODE @NODE "Runinstaller" "Do you want to?" @NEXT "Hard" @PREV "Hard" @TOC "MAIN" This will attempt to install the levels onto disk...... Continue? @{"YES!" SYSTEM "Execute Script"} @{"NO!" LINK "Hard"} @ENDNODE @NODE "End" "Seeya!" @NEXT "End" @PREV "MAIN" @TOC "FF" This is the end of this fine Amigaguide, I hope you liked it......... @{"Back To The Contents" LINK "MAIN"} @{"Quit, exit, no more!" QUIT}Quit, exit, no more!Quit, exit, no more! @ENDNODE @NODE "FF" "Secret node......." @NEXT "MAIN" @PREV "MAIN" @TOC "MAIN" You've found the @{b} SECRET MESSAGE PAGE! @{ub} Call Frost Free............. now! @ENDNODE @NODE "Levels!" "What are they like?" @NEXT "horror" @PREV "MAIN" @TOC "MAIN" @{u}@{b}Level Styles@{uu}@{ub} @{"Horror" LINK "horror"} @{"Moon" LINK "moon"} @{"Mines" LINK "mines"} @{"Maze" LINK "maze"} @{"Cheese" LINK "Cheese"} @{"Scot" LINK "scot"} @ENDNODE @NODE "moon" "Moon!" @NEXT "mines" @PREV "horror" @TOC "MAIN" @{u}@{b}Moon@{uu}@{ub} The moon levels are gravity-less and very sticky. They feature craters, crashed spaceships, little green men, and other stuff. We know there is no sea on the moon, but Worms insists on having water. To get around this, many bottles of Kia-ora orange drink were transported to the moon, to create the setting for this level. The sky is purple because we like purple. ;) Mines are grey, & easy to see. They will bounce far too. The friction is high on the moon! Moondust is claggy! Remember not to jump too near water, you may go further than expected! Also, if you dragonpunch someone, they will fly miles! @ENDNODE @NODE "horror" "Horrible!" @NEXT "moon" @PREV "Levels!" @TOC "MAIN" @{u}@{b}Horror@{uu}@{ub} These levels feature dancing skeletons, graves, ruined buildings, vines, underground tombs, caves, nooses, trees, guilotines and more! The sky and sea are both suitably nasty in colour, the gravity is normal, but the mud is stickier than usual. Use the ninja rope! It will prove useful here! @ENDNODE @NODE "mines" "Minor!" @NEXT "maze" @PREV "moon" @TOC "MAIN" @{u}@{b}Mines@{uu}@{ub} The mines levels feature minecarts, buildings, tools, bridges and, of course, tunnels! They are slippy, but gravity is normal. There are many cliffs for "Oh No" to leap off. Use your rope here, and a sheep can be devastating, if used wisely! Hiding in the tunnels will protect you from ariel attack! @ENDNODE @NODE "maze" "Amazing!!!!" @NEXT "Cheese" @PREV "mines" @TOC "MAIN" @{u}@{b}Maze@{uu}@{ub} These levels are tunnel based, the computer teams do not like them. The stone texture is better than the mines one, but there are no objects. It is slippy here, with high gravity. There are water traps and cliffs. Use your ropes, but be wary, mines are hard to spot. Sheep may get stuck in the smaller tunnels, and you can destroy yourself with one little error! @ENDNODE @NODE "Cheese" "Cheesey!" @NEXT "scot" @PREV "maze" @TOC "MAIN" @{u}@{b}Cheese@{uu}@{ub} Edam! Stilton! Fungus! Get them here! Low-ish gravity, high-ish friction. You can have hours of fun destroying the cheese counter! Careful of that gravity though...... @ENDNODE @NODE "scot" "Scottish!!!!!!!!!" @NEXT "Levels!" @PREV "Cheese" @TOC "MAIN" @{u}@{b}Scotland@{uu}@{ub} These levels are low-ish gravity, a bit sticky, and most of all, very, very tartan! There are sheep dotted around too! Look out for the big scotsman! If you must know, we drew @{i}everything@{ui} on this level by hand, and yes, it took bloody ages! It was first drawn as a tool for annoying a scot, Mr. Lee S. Kindness, trumpet blower extrodinaire, but quickly developed into a great level! @ENDNODE